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This is a 4-Way Tele prewired assembly for Telecaster style guitars featuring 2 single coil pickups. It will drop into most American Fender Teles with no modification. Wired with 22 AWG vintage push-back wire for that vintage look and sound. Soldered connections to the input jack are insulated with heat-shrink to ensure durability and long life. If you are installing this on an import guitar with metric sized pots you may need to ream your control plate holes to accept the slightly larger US-Spec pots and buy US-Spec knobs.


Artikelnummer: T4-250K
CHF 109.00Preis
    • (2) Emerson Pro CTS 250k Solid Shaft Potentiometers [3/8" Shaft Length] 
    • (1) Oak Grigsby 4-Way Switch 
    • (1) Switchcraft 1/4" Mono Input Jack 
    • (1) 0.047uf Emerson Paper in Oil Capacitor *(0.022uf are used with 500K-Ohm Pots Option)* 
    • (1) Volume Mod 
    • Wiring Diagram

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